Materi Kursus Grammar Online
Level: Basic
- Pronoun
- Verb
- Adjective
- Adverb
- Conjunction
- Preposition & Interjection
- Adjective Phrase
- Adverb Phrase
- Prepositional Phrase
- Noun Phrase
- Gerund Phrase
- To Infinitive Phrase
- Supervised Learning
Level: Intermediate
- Verbal and Non-Verbal Sentence
- Tenses
- Active and Passive Voice
- Gerund and To Infinitive
- Adjective Clause
- Reducing and Omitting
- Supervised Learning
Level: Advanced
- Adjective Clause
- Noun Clause
- Modifier
- Tenses
- Yes/No Questoin
- Adverbial Clause
- Reducing and Omitting
- Comparison
- Causative Verb
- Inversion
- Supervised Learning
Belajar aturan tata bahasa Inggris, selain agar lebih pede berbicara & menulis dalam bahasa Inggris, juga agar apa yang ingin kita sampaikan mudah dipahami.
- Jam belajar: 18.30-21.40 WIB
- Pilihan Durasi & Biaya:
2 Minggu
Rp 350.000Rp 150.000 -
1 Bulan
Rp 450.000Rp 250.000 -
2 Bulan (Lebih Hemat!)
Rp 900.000Rp 400.000 -
3 Bulan (Lebih Hemat!)
Rp 1.350.000Rp 550.000
- Didesain untuk siswa usia 16+ atau minimal SMA
- Seminggu 3x kelas live via Zoom Meeting Premium
- Fasilitas: e-Modul, e-Certificate
- Pilihan level:
- Basic
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- Basic-Intermediate & Intermediate-Advanced (2 Bulan)
- Basic-Intermediate-Advanced (3 Bulan)